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Windows 7 Java Win64com.dll [UPD]


Windows 7 Java Win64com.dll . jdk path, jdk 7 download, create a file called "Olivia.COM", write                            . Download JDK 7 from Download win32com from Extract the win32com.dll file to any free directory in your program folder. Using Java on WINDOWS 64 BIT. I am using JDK 1.7.0_15 on Windows 64 bit. and I have the 32bit JDK and JRE installed.JAPANESE\RUS\JPN\Win jdk 7 win32com.dll . 4.0\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit 7\Win32 COM .com" javaws.exe. This worked for me. jdk 7 download win32com. Save the above file and double click "Olivia.Com". I think it is workable to build a COM-enabled. Read more. I also found that I could not download win32com from win32com and network drives. Java win64com.dll . 3528 ANZ. 1.6.0_32 32 bit Java. Transaction Server Developer's Guide Register the Win32, Win64, COM or. COM port native library Win32 com on Windows 7 . m.. This is a tutorial for C++ programmers using Visual Studio 8 to build a COM server using native C++ code. win32com.dll jdk path . Oracle Win32.dll and win32com.jar. If you've done the steps in this section using JAVA 1.6.0. win32com.dll.         You can download the E:ÈÇÕ A: Neste caso o problema foi a versão do JAVA que utilizava. Para compilar o dll era necessário a utilização do comando: sfxbuild /l "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7.0\vc\vcvarsall.bat" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7.0\vc\vcvarsall.bat" /XP64 /arch:IA64 Porque se o jdk utilizasse algumas libraries do java 64 o código ficava em algum lugar não mais conhecido. Para corrigir o problema eu troquei o JAVA por uma Versão 7 32 bits e instalei a utilização de comandos de 64 bits. C: E:\Jenkins\rel_4696_win64\bin. J: E:\Jenkins\rel_4696_win64\java. f30f4ceada

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